Day: June 21, 2023

Discover Restful Nights at The Modern Back’s Luxury Mattress Showroom in Sarasota, FloridaDiscover Restful Nights at The Modern Back’s Luxury Mattress Showroom in Sarasota, Florida

A good night’s sleep is vital for general well-being in today’s fast-paced society. Finding the ideal mattress is critical to getting a good night’s sleep. If you’re looking for the perfect sleep solution, The Modern Back’s Luxury Mattress Showroom in Sarasota, Florida is the place to go. This store is committed to offering high-quality sleep solutions and cutting-edge mattresses that promote your health and comfort.

The Modern Back: A Haven for Sleep Enthusiasts

The Modern Back is a well-known firm that promotes health and well-being through their sleep goods. They recognize the value of a good night’s sleep and work hard to give clients the greatest options available.

The Modern Back has developed a line of luxury mattresses and sleep systems that blend comfort and innovation based on their knowledge in sleep technology. Their emphasis on customer happiness distinguishes them from other mattress retailers.

The Luxury Mattress Showroom in Sarasota, Florida, is a physical representation of The Modern Back’s commitment to assisting people in achieving the restorative sleep they deserve.

Exploring the Sleep Innovations

The Modern Back’s Luxury Mattress Showroom offers an astonishing selection of sleep innovations designed to fit a variety of needs and preferences. They provide everything for everyone, from Number Bed Mattresses to Copper-Infused Mattresses, Spinal Decompression Mattresses, and Smart Mattresses.

Each sleep method has its own set of advantages and features. -, for example, provide customizable comfort with adjustable settings. Copper-Infused Mattresses utilize copper’s healing powers to encourage better sleep while also providing a breezy, bouncy sensation. Spinal Decompression Mattresses are intended to relieve pressure while also supporting spinal health. Smart mattresses use cutting-edge technology to monitor and improve your sleep quality.

The knowledgeable staff at The Modern Back’s showroom will walk you through the various sleep innovations, assisting you in understanding the benefits of each option. They put your comfort first and strive to match you with the best mattress for your specific needs.

The Showroom Experience

The Luxury Mattress Showroom is conveniently located at 407 Interstate Blvd. in Sarasota, Florida. It has a calm and welcoming ambiance that allows you to thoroughly immerse yourself in the experience of selecting your ideal mattress.

- knows that purchasing a mattress is a big decision. As a result, they’ve designed a showroom that encourages relaxation and comfort. You can spend as much time as you want examining the various sleep systems, trying mattresses, and consulting with showroom specialists.

The Modern Back’s Luxury Mattress Showroom’s mission is to make your purchasing experience comfortable and joyful. Their helpful staff are always available to answer your concerns, make specific recommendations, and help you choose the perfect mattress to improve your sleep quality.

Hours of Operation and Contact Information

To serve consumers, the Luxury Mattress Showroom works during specific hours. While appointments are offered on certain days, walk-ins are also accepted during the specified hours.

The showroom is open during the following hours:

  • Monday: Call for an appointment
  • Tuesday: Call for an appointment
  • Wednesday: Call for an appointment
  • Thursday: 12 PM – 6 PM
  • Friday: 12 PM – 6 PM
  • Saturday: 12 PM – 6 PM
  • Sunday: Call for an appointment

To make an appointment or for more information, call The Modern Back’s Luxury Mattress Showroom at 941-315-6855.


Choosing the right mattress is an important step toward better sleep and general well-being. The Luxury Mattress Showroom at The Modern Back in Sarasota, Florida, provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about a variety of sleep technologies that prioritize your comfort and health. The showroom’s skilled personnel, tranquil atmosphere, and attention to customer satisfaction make it a must-visit location for anybody looking for the perfect mattress. Visit The Modern Back’s - Showroom now to experience the transformative power of a quality sleep system.