Day: May 26, 2020

Benefits And Disadvantages To SIM CardsBenefits And Disadvantages To SIM Cards

While everyone’s phone is equipped with a SIM card (otherwise you’ll find that you won’t be able to use it very well!), they don’t come without their share of pros and cons. Quite often, phone companies overlook or avoid mentioning them, so as not to try scaring away new potential customers. It’s a valid marketing strategy, but one that we’re happy to bring to light here today so you get a good idea of exactly what SIM cards can do for you.

There is a wide range of SIM cards available on the market, varying in size and functionality. Most old SIM cards are much larger than they are now, with most new phones being able to adopt a Micro-SIM or even a Nano-SIM. But what does this all mean for us? Well, let’s take a look.

Benefits of SIM Cards

Phone Upgrades Made Easy

  • Generally, SIM cards are only supplied by phone companies offering you a contract. They can include minutes, texts, and mobile data in a reasonable price range, but the SIM card is required for this to work. Once you’ve found yourself a good phone company to supply your SIM, you’ll find upgrading to newer and more modern phones when the time comes to a breeze because the SIM card is already made ready for them.

You Can Use Other Phones

  • Provided that the phone you’re using is unlocked, if your phone was to run out of charge while you need it for something important, you can simply take out your own SIM card and put it into someone else’s phone. You’ll be able to use their phone as if it was your own with no transitional issues arising!

Traveling Is Easy

  • If you fancy yourself a bit of a traveler, then you can’t do wrong with a prepaid SIM card. You really need one to make the most of your traveling experience in general – most travelers won’t even bother going with their trusted SIM card at the ready. It makes it easy to make calls or send texts no matter where you are and you won’t have to worry about the costs.

Disadvantages of SIM Cards


  • This one goes without saying when it comes to technical things such as phones, SIM cards, and other electronics. SIM cards often contain some pretty valuable information about you that you wouldn’t want a hacker getting their hands on, like your email address, social media accounts, and even banking details. You’ll have to keep your SIM safe at all times.

They Are Simple

  • As fantastic as SIM cards seem to be and how much they are capable of doing for your phone, you have to remember that they aren’t very powerful at all when you get right down to it. Most SIM cards aren’t even able to function at all without apps telling them what to do these days. They’ve become increasingly reliant on being used in a smartphone, to the point where simpler devices simply can’t use them.

Specialist SIMS

  • There’s one thing that needs to be mentioned in the disadvantages of SIM cards, and that’s the implementation of specialist SIM cards, like the Apple SIM. While they make connecting their own devices much easier for the Apple user, any user who wants to branch out and try to use their SIM in another phone or tablet that isn’t an Apple with have a hard time – in fact, it will be impossible to even get it working!


As you can see, while we take SIM cards for granted these days, as they are the life source of all of our mobile phones and contracts, we have to remember that there are bad sides to them too. Yes, in general, they are fantastic little devices that make your phone able to run the apps it can run, to text the people you can text, to call your parents when you need to, but the reality is it’s not always sunshine and rainbows.

The same can be said about many things, so don’t take it all out on SIM cards alone. They have been designed with smartphone operation in mind and they do a brilliant job at it. It’s just wise to know what might be happening on the other end when we use them day in and day out without worry.
Source : SIM Card for Vietnam Travel